There are a lot of relationship blogs out there in "Web World." There are also many military dependents who blog and video journal about their relationship with their service member. Most of these blogs and journals document the beginning of their marriage, showing readers how difficult it is to be a military dependent. And they are all right, it is a difficult and unconventional life that can be very lonely at times. I know, because I have been married to my Navy husband for 15 years. I am here to write about our marital relationship, our parenting mishaps, and to write about my personal trials and tribulations I deal with as an individual. This blog is my gift to myself. This is a very needed step in my life to help organize the chaos in my day to day brain and celebrate my happy moments.
If you would have asked me during my first year of marriage if I liked being a Navy Wife, I would have told you I hated it. But ask me today and I will tell you I love it. It's a funny thing, this development called "maturity." I'm sure you have heard this before, but as you grow older, you grow wiser. Marriage used to be hard, but I find it so much easier now. My husband and I appreciate each other, love each other, love our children, want to be together but we are OK when we are apart. You know why? Because he will always come home to me and I will always be home for him. Absence doesn't only make the heart grow fonder, but it also makes the sex way hotter! He knows what I like and I know what he likes and there is no fear or shyness or afraid to disappoint.
And we talk to each other and support each other and we either of us makes mistakes, we don't crucify each other for them, no matter how frustrating it can be. We learn everyday from each other. I respect him so much for what he does everyday and he respects me for holding the down the fort and raising our kids when he's not home. It's a happy life. Not perfect, but fulfilling.
We were 22 when we were married and 15 years later we are more in love than we have ever been. That's the way it should be. We have had some really tough and destructive times in the past but we get through them one moment at a time and we never give up on love. We don't fight anymore, we haven't in years because we always hike up the mountain and meet in the middle. And let me tell you, sometimes that hike is brutal and it takes a long time, but we never walk back down that mountain. We never give up.
Do some couples have it better? Probably. Do some have it worse? Definitely. Once you get rid of that idea of perfection, happiness is not too far away.
That's my 2 cents on marriage for the day